Lockdown 2020

We hope you are all settling into lockdown way of life, who would have thought this would be happening in 2020.

While we have been away from the salon we have also been working on upskilling ourselves in colour styling and product knowledge. Having our regular meetings every week and chatting on messenger throughout the day. Coming up with new ideas to help you all at home while we are apart from each other. Some very exciting things are in store, Be kind & Be Safe vouchers, Stay-Cation Boxes full of treats, products that you need to feel amazing and lots of savings for you within these boxes. As I said we are working on these things so I promise I will keep you updated soon.


We know that it is hard to manage your hair at home over this time BUT please hold back from going to the supermarket or the pharmacy to buy hair colour. This could have very sad results for your hair and look. When possible try very hard not to pick up the scissors as this could also lead to upsetting moments. xx

  • There are things like Retouch Root Spray which you'll all need to have in your Homecare Kits moving forward that can tie you over till we meet again. We do have them in stock and when we move to level 3 will be able to deliver these to your door in our new Stay-Cation Boxes. Especially for you so that you can spend your days at home actually having FUN and looking after yourself.. and NOT looking at your regrowth. The supermarket and the pharmacy might have these, however, they will not give you great coverage but can help till we can get your Stay-Cation Boxes out to you. And till we can get you back into the salon

  • The Stay-Cation Boxes will be available to purchase soon and I will have updates coming shortly

  • Head scarfs and headbands are really in right now so this can also help

  • The sun is still shining as well so be sure to wear your hat to the supermarket

  • To help with your blonde hair regrowth get out your dry-shampoo sprays

  • When refreshing your blonde try leaving your sliver shampoo on for a little longer than the norm and this will help

  • Guys if you're running out of product, borrow some of your partners!

Be sure to follow us on Facebook at D'or Hairstylists or Instagram @dor_hair the team will be showcasing some 'how-to' videos on how to do your hair up at home. If you are not connected to either of these and you would like to see them please email the salon at d-or@xtra.co.nz and we can send them to you!

Your next appointment ??

  • I have removed all the messaging at this stage so you should not be getting any messages about your appointment

  • Until we know when we can return to the salon I cannot confirm anything

  • We need to take things one day at a time

  • However, we know that we will be busy and we ask you to please bare with us over this time

  • We have talked today about some of the things that might happen so we are prepared to work seven days a week to make it work for you all

The comeback

We are very aware that after this we will see the world as a different place and I know we all will be aware of how safe we will feel again being around other people. With this in mind, the team and I have been working how we can make everyone feel safe and have trust in the people that come in the door and sit in our chairs. D'or is very proud of her high level of cleanliness and we take the New Zealand Health Regulations seriously but we want to do more to help everyone feel safe again, we will keep you updated with these ideas. If you have any ideas yourself on what would make you feel comfortable within the salon please email us d-or@xtra.co.nz, we'd love to hear from you.

In the meantime, be safe, be kind, wash our hands, and support local.

Team D’or


Please wait for us…